Varen varen over de baren

March 24, 2010 by Suzanne

New toiletseat(s)

March 20, 2010 by Suzanne

Andrea was very proud of herself (and so was mommy) that she peed on the toilet when she was at Mickey Mouse (daycare). We therefore bought today new toiletseats (one of down stairs and one for in the bathroom upstairs). The seat can be made smaller so that a little child can sit on it as well. She was so happy with it that after I installed them she wanted to sit on them (for at least 4 times). While sitting there Andrea keeps on talking that the pee will come in a minute and 10 minutes later it still is coming. When she is done with the first one she wants to go and sit on the second one :). We took of her diaper and put her on the toilet quite often…. but you already reckon…. she peed while she was sitting on the floor…. The good thing is that she likes now to sit on the toilet so let’s hope that potty training will take a swing from now on.. will keep you posted!

Lang geleden

March 7, 2010 by Deef

Het is weer een lange tijd geleden sinds we hier iets geplaatst hebben. Wellicht komt dit omdat we druk waren met andere zaken, maar wellicht ook omdat veel van onze updates tegenwoordig plaatsvinden via Twitter (@radavi, @s_vink). Deze worden ofwel daar gelezen of via Facebook. Hoe dan ook, bij deze dus weer een klein berichtje met een teken van leven van deze kant. Over tekenen van leven gesproken, voor de mensen die het nog niet wisten: wij hebben ook een nieuw teken van leven.

Meer binnenlands nieuws: Vandaag zijn we lekker met z’n 3-en gaan zwemmen en het was goed om te zien dat Andrea steeds meer kan, wil en durft in het zwembad. Het was weer een lekkere spetter boel met kopjes onder, springen, met de bal spelen en op de surfplank liggen. Ohja, de foto’s van februari zijn ook klaar.



February 14, 2010 by Suzanne

Yesterday Andrea was pretending that she and all animals and dolls were playing in the “ballenbak”. She kept her fantasy for quite some time. We therefore decided to take her to a real “ballenbak” on Sunday. We went to Ballorig in Houten. It was very busy, I guess a lot of people were sick of the snow and wanted to play inside. Andrea had a marvellous time. She played in the “ballenbak” and on “springkussens”. When we asked her what she wanted for lunch she said “frietjes” so we gave her some fries and fristi (aardbeiensap). After that she jumped and run and rolled down the “springkussen”. She really loved it. Her cheeks were getting more red and more red from tiredness. She did not want to go to sleep and did not want to go home, yet she fell asleep in the car after 5 minutes. She slept for about 5-10 minutes in the car. At home we put her to bed, but she did not want to sleep anymore. She was happy and cheerful and run around the house for the rest of the day. We put her a bit earlier to bed tonight and we have not heard her anymore. She had a marvellous time. Dad is a bit sore from all the carrying and helping her up to go down the slide.

January pictures

January 31, 2010 by Deef

Are here again, did not doublecheck them yet, but it should be fine.
Some photos added, one movie changed in order. And some more photos added, counter is now at 156.
