
4-8-2013 20-06-55 3648x2736Andrea was born on the first of July of 2007.  She has had some intestinal cramps in her first few weeks. When she was 4 months old she spent a few days in the hospital since the RS virus liked her a lot.

Nowadays she is a very happy child who smiles a lot, talks a lot, sings a lot and walks a lot. Her favorite activity is walking outside (in the rain) and reading books. She has a lot of imagination.

In her first year we made pictures on the first day of each month. The results can be found in the monthly gallery.

Nowadays she is a big sister, who really loves Lisa. They hug a lot and play a lot together.

On August 15th 2011 Andrea started school. She goes to the “Prinses Margrietschool” in Nieuwegein. It is only 5-10 minutes walking from our house. She likes it a lot. She is now in third grade and reads books for 4th grade fluently.
She has also started swimming lessons. On each Sundaymorning mum and Andrea go to the swimming pool. On Wednesday September 25th, 2013 she has her exams for Diploma A.