Monthly Archives: September 2007


September 8, 2007

This morning we had the first session of four of a babymassage course. It was very nice. Andrea loved it as well. During the massage she started peeing and since she was not wearing a diaper I suddenly felt very warm. After the massage she took a bath in a tummy tub to wash off […]

Cleaning of car

September 7, 2007

You start to do strange things when you are alone during your maternity leave. I started with grocery shopping, which is not that strange I must admit. After I came back from the shops I started washing the car, did some karate kid training (wax on, wax off) and cleaned the windows. During the last […]

1st full day at daycare

September 6, 2007

I just dropped Andrea of at daycare. She will stay there the whole day. I will let you know how it went for her, and also for me. It is quite strange to be at home without her around.


September 5, 2007

Andrea has a bug on her arm.

Maternity leave in summer?

September 5, 2007

So much for being on maternity leave in summer. When I was pregnant everybody was jealous that I would be off during summer. I would be able to enjoy the nice weather with our child and go for nice walks, or just sit outside in the sun. Since we are living in the Netherlands this […]