
Andrea already was coughing a bit on Wednesday. It became worse on Thursday and last night she woke up a lot of times crying. We did bring her to daycare this morning. They however called at 10.45 saying that she had a fever (38.8) and was coughing a lot. Deef picked her up and spent the afternoon with her sleeping on his arm. When I arrived home she was a little bit more alive, ate some soepstengels, drank a lot of apple juice. Her intestines are working like crazy (although she hardly ate anything). She is very windy and every time says “poep” after it. After a while she fell asleep in my arms. We have put her to bed early in hope that she would go to sleep. She is crying a bit every now and then, lets see how the night will be. We do not know yet what it is, but most probably just a cold or may be the flu??

One Response to Cold/flu….??

  1. Suzanne says:

    The night was not nice. She screamed every now and then. Today she is sleeping on my lap most of the day.

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