Today Andrea and myself had again an appointment at the “consultatiebureau”. Her length and weight were measured again. She is now 8220 grams and 70 cm (you can see the curve at and click on the curve to have the recent one). She was very cheerful this morning so she smiled a lot at the docter. She was laying very quietly when the docter was examining her: a perfect example according to her. We just have to try to have her drink more fluids. I have no clue how but we will see. She also has to learn to drink from a cup instead of a bottle. I already tried that but that also does not work yet. Her third tooth came through (we had not seen this yet) and we have to start with brushing her teeth (3 already :) ). Next time will be when she is 11 months old and she will be vaccinated against “bof, mazelen en rode hond”.
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