Today I was supposed to have a telecon from work at 3pm. Andrea received her bottle at 2.10pm, filled up her diaper at 2.45pm and I put her to bed at 2.55 pm. So right on time for my telecon. Unfortunately she did not agree to that. After approximately 10 minutes she started to make sounds that eventually ended up in screaming. At the same time the gasservice arrived to do our yearly check-up of our central heating. So much for a telecon. I excused myself of the telecon, opened the door for the gasservice and went upstairs to calm Andrea down.
During the check up it turned out that the water pressure in the system was 0.0. Oops! I used to check this regularly but since Andrea is there I never even thought about it. He filled it up again and everything was fine.
Andrea though kept on “talking”. She has discovered a very high sound which hurts your ears. So I was not able to call in for the telecon anymore. It is now 4.15pm and she finally fell asleep in the box.
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