Today we slept a couple of hours, not nearly enough but still, every hour counts. the intentions of going to bed at 21:00 were there, but reality kicked in and it turned out to be 00:15 before a comfortable bed was there. Today Suzanne is back at the hospital, hopefully back home soon and without any complications. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi dear friends!
Congratulations for the new arrival!
Andrea Vink, how gorgeous are you!
I couldn’t guess you were expecting a baby to come!
It was a very nice surprise for me! Imagine me getting on the website of the “fam deefsuus” and suddenly, coming from nowhere…
what the…?
i’m confused now…
wait a minute…
Dear God!, they’re one one more of them now!!!
Oh joy, oh joy!
I am very happy for you both, i mean, “throth”…?
A big hug for the three of you!
Best wishes!
PS- Keeping my fingers crossed for Suzanne as well.