

July 26, 2009

Some playing around on the big jumpy-cushion [qik][/qik] Andrea enjoyed the cushion a lot. Even after having jumped against one of the other children she still enjoyed it.


July 25, 2009

A little bit of playing in front of the house.[qik][/qik]


July 24, 2009

Its rainy season again, Andrea took out her red boots and had some fun.[qik][/qik]


July 23, 2009

Andrea today worked on her own obstacle course. Jumping over the keyboard, the lego blocks and the crocodile. Daddy also had to run through it, and we eventually also had haasje, hippo and sinasappel to jump over… [qik][/qik]


July 21, 2009

Today was another day with daddy. In the morning we went with Omi to the tram and we after we waved goodbey, we had lots of fun. For an impression look at the videos below.[qik][/qik] [qik][/qik][qik][/qik]