
At the pool

January 18, 2009

The waterpolo team of Suzanne had to play in Merwestein today. So the whole family went. It was extremely hot, so Andrea did not like that, but she did walk a little bit. Below a picture of sitting on the stairs and some action videos. [googlevideo=][googlevideo=]

First time since maternity leave

September 20, 2007

Today was my first day at work after my maternity leave. Although my maternity leave ends on Monday I decided to already go to work today and tomorrow. This way I will have some compensation hours for next week. This way I do not have to work 36 hours next week. This way I could […]

First victory

September 17, 2006

Yesterday I played my first waterpolo game since many years. I started playing when I was a student. We played competition as well back then. In the last season I was a goaly. During my bachelorette Gerdi asked wether I wanted to play in her team. After Zinkstuk she joined UZSC. I missed a team […]