In de fietsactief stond een route die ook een beetje overlap had met de Giro D’italia, dat leuk ons wel een goed plan. Het was lekker weer dus we zijn een stukje gaan fietsen, maar het fietsen met fietskar als zwangere vrouw is toch zwaarder dan verwacht dus hebben we een ietwat andere route gedaan. […]
April 25, 2010Austerlitz
January 12, 2009Yesterday we went for a little walk in the winter forest near Austerlitz pyramide. Andrea did not have the urge to walk so she was sitting in the backpack with daddy. If you have google earth, you can download the kmz file (route and pictures). This is the first draft, whem more time is available […]
February 20, 2008This Sunday we had a little walk on the Brunsummerheide, at first Andrea loved it (see picture below) but after a while she got tired and fell asleep (makes it so much harder to carry). We had lunch and took the shortcut back home.
Track Deef
November 20, 2007Once again I found a new tool, and this seems to work a bit better then the other one. Try it out today somewhere around 17:15 when I should be leaving home….will be viewable here. [update] Not working that good (it IS beta) but still better then the previous one. Check here for the route […]
Tracking Deef?
October 17, 2007I installed a new application on the phone, which uploads my position to a website (when I have the application running….) Perhaps I will try it out when I go home tonight. Here is the link where you should be able to track me then. [update] Seems the tracking system does not work that good […]