Monthly Archives: September 2005


September 5, 2005

Another renovation was performed on the house last weekend. On Saturday we first helped Femke move to Hilversum. When we finally arrived at her new place everything was already moved in. Fortunately we could still help with putting things together. On Sunday I painted the casing (kozijn) of the ground floor of back of the […]

Too bad

September 1, 2005

I was planning to give a diner at Oudean. I called them yesterday to make reservations, but unfortunately they are already booked for that day. The next plan is to call Huize Molenaar to see if they still have space.

Keep your fingers crossed!

September 1, 2005

The chapters that the committee members have to read in order to give me permission to defend my thesis in November is now at the Repro, where they will bind it. Apparently that takes a lot of time since it won’t be ready until tomorrow. Since we have a day out with the lab tomorrow […]